A while back, Github announced Github Actions
[https://github.com/features/actions/], which is a containerised platform for
running things when you do something in Github, like make a PR, comment, etc.
As I've written before
[https://fastchicken.co.nz/2018/06/24/more-iot-switch-fun-with-sonoff-and-tasmota/], I have
a few of the 16A Sonoff TH16 switches
[https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-th.html] around the
John William Wise was born the middle child of 3, in a small village called
Nunthorpe, North Yorkshire, in July 1936, 3 years before the end of World War
II. His father -
Sometimes, old hardware lasts a very very long time. Until recently, I had an
iPhone 7, which was mostly perfect running iOS 12 - the battery could be better,
but in general it
I was looking at Tomas Blog [https://tomasmcguinness.com/] a while ago, when he
mentioned that he had bought a couple of the Sonoff WIFI switches
[https://www.itead.cc/smart-home.html] to