Cesare Rocchi [http://www.upbeat.it] has an article called On why I am not
buying RubyMotion
[http://www.upbeat.it/2012/05/08/on-why-i-am-not-buying-rubymotion/], with his
reasons why he's not
London has a lot of things going for it - bars, restaurants, shows, great shops,
lovely outdoor spaces, generally nice people - but breakfast is not one of them.
Sure, there are places
About every 12 to 18 months, I make a habit of upgrading our hard drives. This
keeps them nice and new, and so far, failure free*. Last time, I got the new (at
Over the last 3 months or so, I've been working with FreeAgent on an iOS app for
people who are covered by the new HMRC rules around micro-businesses. I'll
Yesterday, FreeAgent announced that they have integrated with Barclays
[http://www.freeagent.com/central/automated-bank-feeds-from-barclays], so your
bank transactions are auto-loaded into FreeAgent. This is a huge step, which
would cut out one