UI comparisons; Android dont's

There are a few new UI comparison pages up at the moment, comparing both iOS6 vrs 7, and Android vrs iOS * iOS6 vrs iOS7 view comparison [http://www.ijailbreak.com/news/ios-6-vs-ios-7-ui-view-comparison-infographic/] -

Syphon Coffee

There are many ways to make coffee, from the ancient "boil everything together and serve" method, which is very much like current Turkish / Greek coffee, right up to multi-thousand-dollar espresso machines.

iOS7 and moving forward

iOS 7 is a strange beast. I've gone thru the various stages of "grief" over it, starting with a hefty "WTF" through to where I am now.

A tale of two apps

Leonie [http://leoniewise.com] and I have decided to do something about the level of exercise we get. We are fairly active - we cycle to work most days, go to the gym

Google Visual Assets Guidelines

The phrase > Google is getting better at design faster than Apple is getting better at services[1] Is an old one, but is becoming more and more true as time goes on.