Xamarin MVP; Xamarin get more funding

Huge news for the folks at Xamarin - they recevied a second round of funding [http://techcrunch.com/2013/07/17/xamarin-raises-16m-series-b-round-led-by-lead-edge-capital-passes-20000-paid-developer-seats/] from both their original investors and some new ones (for a

MA2: customizing the look of MonoTouch.Dialog apps

MonoTouch.Dialog [https://github.com/migueldeicaza/MonoTouch.Dialog] is one of the most useful, and powerful, addons in Xamarin.iOS [http://xamarin.com]. It's open source, very well tested and proven,

MA2: Making assets in Sketch

I'm the first to admit I'm not a designer. I like to think I have some design sense - more User Experience than Visual design, and its getting better

MA2: theming the app

> This is the first in a series showing some of the tricks and bits that I used when moving mobileAgent from version 1.x to 2.0. In mobileAgent 2.0 [https:

mobileAgent 2.0: Redesign

On Monday, Apple approved the latest version of mobileAgent - mobileAgent 2.0 [https://fastchicken.co.nz/mobileagent]. As usual, it's available on the App Store [https://itunes.apple.com/gb/