Postcards from Pripyat

Int 2011, a friend organised a trip to Pripyat, which is the town which was evaculated during the Chernobyl disaster. It was a surreal, eye opening and wonderful trip for many different reasons.

Using Apples new TestFlight Beta Testing

... which is not to be confused with the old TestFlight (which Apple bought and called TestFlight). At work, we do a pilot release of our app before we go live. This is usually

Air New Zealand: getting mobile right

The Air New Zealand app has come a long way - they used to just have a sticker with an RFID chip on the back, and now they have moved all of that

Retailers blocking Apple Pay. This will not end well.

From The Verge [] and Macrumours []: > In fact, a significant number of merchants, including heavyweights like

Standing all day

This article [] (and sadly I don't remember how I got to it) really struck a chord with me today. > As part of