(Photo: nitro cold brew from Espresso Workshop in Britomart)
Huge meta-analysis. 1.2 million people, 35-odd studies
No, not THAT AppleWatch Edition
[http://www.apple.com/watch/apple-watch-edition/]. From Supertop, makers of
Unread [http://blog.supertop.co/post/117521443822/unread-1-5]
> One Less Thing…
We spent a lot of time
FreeAgent have finally released their mobile app!
[http://www.freeagent.com/central/introducing-freeagent-mobile-ios] It's been a
(very) long time coming, and giving the importance of mobile these days, I'm
One thing I miss in iOS, which Android has, is auto expanding labels (and other
views). Android has the wrap_content layout option, which works really well to
flow a view.
One thing I really love about the new iOS devices - iPhone 5S, 6, 6+ and the
iPad Air 2 - is the Touch ID sensor. I’ve always had a PIN on