It's been a very quick 2 months since I left ANZ goMoney
[] and started at Pushpay
[]. The time has gone
I think thats enough google bait in the title.
Using VMWare 8.x on El Capitan (OSX 10.11) with Windows 10 can be quite slow -
this is a known (and un-addressed
Apple Pay [] - Apples implementation of NFC based
payments, AKA Tap to Pay/PayWave/whatever the card companies are calling it now
- is available in a few
I'm officially (f)unemployed this week - I finished up at ANZ last week, and I
start at Pushpay [] on monday. Pushpay has been on my list
SSL is a tricky beast, which isn't overly well understood by most developers.
The common mis-conception (or partial understanding) is that it's about
encryption: hiding the content as it