Huge working weekend - we normally have a bunch of house maintenance things to do around this time of the year, when it's fine but not in the crazy hot part of summer. Last year it was staining the house, which we have to do every 2-3 years, this time it was fixing and repainting the wooden windows. Not a bad job to do, as its fairly meditative, but painting is something I'm not that good at - I tend to paint outside of the lines a bit. 2 more to do, which don't need fixing first.
While I did that, Leonie has repaired and then repainted a load of internal stuff, including most of the walls in the bathroom and hall, which looks so much better having a bit of a refresh.
And, of course, there were swims. After bootcamp (which didn't go well thanks to me screwing up my warm up and ending up with an asthma incident), and after painting today. It's already so nice in the water....
I did discover a couple of nice Garage Project sours tho.

Palm Beach was.... not full, but not empty at all.

And it looks like we have COVID here, via waste water detection. That only covers a small bit of Oneroa, so it'll be interesting to see where that goes.