Leonie and I just had a lovely weekend in Antwerp with Di
[http://dimackey.com/blog/]. I'll let Leonie show you what it looked like thru
her lens [http://blog.verdandi.
I've put up a quick "open letter" type post for London Bike App users, regarding
the data quality in the app (and in the Barclays Bike system in general)
Apple have been their rather quick selves, and mobileAgent 1.5
[http://www.fastchicken.co.nz/mobileagent/] is out. I was expecting it to take a
lot longer, so I'm yet
Hurray! Apple has approved mobileAgent 1.4.3 today!
New in this release:
* Contacts can be synced (one way) to the iPhone contacts.
* Expenses can now have various VAT levels set (auto, 0,
... with proper updated data (well, 3-5 mins out of date, vrs up to 20 or so for
the current ones).
London Bike App uses this feed now. The current version still works out