Justin Williams [https://alpha.app.net/sw/post/1616903] has a very good article
[http://carpeaqua.com/2012/11/19/more-overcast-than-cloudy/] - and links off to
an equally good one from Patrick Gibson
Things have been a bit quiet around here - the blog - because things have been
anything but quiet in real life.
Last night, we [http://leoniewise.com] launched another site
Over the past few days commute, I've been reading Peter Bright's history of the
Windows APIs
. It's quite fascinating, and
I've been a bit quiet here lately - not a lot of interesting stuff coming across
my desk, and a site release for the day job (which is only of interest
Previously, I've discussed NFC a bit [https://fastchicken.co.nz/2012/09/27/who-needs-nfc/],
and also Passbook [https://fastchicken.co.nz/2012/10/05/passbook/]. I've been thinking about