A case for the AppleTV Transmitter

On the latest CultCast, the guys on there were talking about a strong AppleTV TV rumour [http://www.cultofmac.com/204829/could-tim-cooks-new-made-in-usa-mac-actually-be-an-apple-tv-rumor/] : > Here’s what I heard: * The software was developed at

Android design resources

I've been doing some Android development work lately (more on this when it's out), so I've been collecting Android design inspiration, as a lot of the conventions

6 charts on climate change which should worry you

From Christopher Mims and Stephanie Gruner Buckley on Quartz [http://qz.com/29932/six-charts-on-climate-change-that-should-have-you-very-very-worried/] > Meanwhile, a report from the US National Research Council, commissioned by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and

How much does an app cost?

Nice, and extreamly accurate, analogy of what it costs for an app to be developed [http://blog.darwinapps.com/post/36041399961/appcostscar]. > "I want something that works well on one platform&