Coffee. It's pretty damn good for you
(Photo: nitro cold brew from Espresso Workshop in Britomart)
Huge meta-analysis. 1.2 million people, 35-odd studies.
But it’s way past time that we stopped viewing coffee as something we all need to cut back on. It’s a completely reasonable addition to a healthy diet, with more potential benefits seen in research than almost any other beverage we’re consuming. It’s time we started treating it as such.
Note, however, they are talking about straight, black coffee - ☕️. No added milk or sugar.
Of course, everything I’m saying here concerns coffee — black coffee. I am not talking about the mostly milk and sugar coffee-based beverages that lots of people consume. These could include, but aren’t limited to, things like a McDonald’s large mocha (500 calories, 17 grams of fat, 72 grams of carbohydrates), a Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha (580 calories, 22 grams of fat, 79 grams of carbs), and a Large Dunkin’ Donuts frozen caramel coffee Coolatta (670 calories, 8 grams of fat, 144 grams of carbs).
- Reduced stroke
- Lower risk of heart failure
- Lower general risk of cancer, especially liver.
- Speaking of the liver: it's great, if you have liver disease - Hep C or cirrhosis.
- Lower risk of Parkinsons and general cognitive decline.
- Lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes - even if you just drink decaf.
The studies say "2-6 cups of coffee" is the sweet spot, which according to Google is around 200 to 600mg of caffeine - or around 3-8 espresso', which is quite a bit by even my standards.
So, time for a ☕️ then?
Yes, I just wanted to use the ☕️ emoji a bit :) Appears I can't use it in the title of the post tho - shows up in some places but not others. ?