uxarchive.com; Layer co-ordindates; library rules
uxarchive.com is a great reference covering how a lot of the best apps handle on-boarding, exploring, search and sharing.
I suspect it will grow to other areas over time, but it's a great way to see how some of the best are handling these fairly common tasks.
Hat tip: sidebar.io
David Rönnqvist over at iDeveloperTV* has a great article up, explaining how the co-ordinate system works in iOS animations.
Layers work almost the same, they have properties for the frame (derived), bounds, position and anchor point. By default the anchor point is in the center of the layer, in which case the position corresponds to the center property of the view. But the anchor point can be moved and then the above statement is no longer true.
The co-ordinate system_s_ in iOS is one of the things I find the most confusing - or inconsistent, if I'm not the only one not understanding it. This article gives a great overview of how the Layers "version" works.
* Makers of fine things like NSConference and the iDeveloper Live podcast.
I love the concept of Library Rules in an office.
When visitors come to our office, one of the first things they notice is how quiet it is. Naturally, one of the first questions they ask is “how do you keep it so quiet?”
My answer is “library rules.”
Everyone knows how to behave in a library. You keep quiet or whisper. You respect people’s personal space. You don’t interrupt people who are reading or working, learning or studying. And if you need to have a full-volume conversation, you hit a private room.
So if you want to keep things quiet at the office, treat it like a library. It works surprisingly well.
Sadly, we don't have enough (any) dedicated offices to do this all the time, but the idea is brilliant.