NFC hacked (again); What UX isn't.

No wonder NFC isn't quite taking off as quickly as some people want it to. Imagine is this was your Credit Card.

Subway riders in the New Jersey and San Francisco transit systems can use near-field communication (NFC) Android smartphones to endlessly replenish their fare cards for free, security researchers demonstrated Thursday at the EUSecWest security conference in Amsterdam.

And yes, I'm aware that Barclays cards can be read with these too. Which is kind of freaky being I have one, and every time I tag in with my Oyster card, it reads my debit card, too.

(hat tip PolarBearFarm)


So, what IS UX design?

The term “user experience” or UX has been getting a lot of play, but many businesses are confused about what it actually is and how crucial it is to their success.

I asked some of the most influential and widely respected practitioners in UX what they consider to be the biggest misperceptions of what we do. The result is a top 10 list to debunk the myths. Read it, learn it, live it.

top 10 list of what UX is NOT :)

(hat tip TsoDa)

Nic Wise

Nic Wise

Auckland, NZ